Be Kind To Humankind Week Aug 25-31
Today marks the beginning of “Be Kind To Humankind Week.”
Lately, I’ve enjoyed devoting at least one part of my day to reaching out to others, making connections and/or doing a random act of kindness. I’ve just been doing small things like sending thank you cards or dropping off a surprise bunch of flowers to a friend. I’ve always tried to empower the kids I teach with this philosophy. They wholeheartedly embrace the idea and want to take action after they have cultivated an awareness of the importance of random acts of kindness. Kids quickly begin to understand, as I do, that you get back more than you give….Pass it on
For more information
Hi Karen , I know at time you have said your out here in Cal. I would love to meet you an have you sign my book , if you’re ever in the Palm Springs area or Orange County let me know . I follow you on face book and have read your book and have a copy of the Arthritis Today with you in the front cover also if just read Christian Schwab’s book. Anyway have a grand weekend and so hope some day to meet you. Leticia Peterson of Palm Desert Ca.
I used to have RA until I gave up all corn and corn products. I’ve been free now for 27 years although one corn chip will produce pain within 24 hours. Even the corn starch used to bind aspirin tablets will produce a response. Avoiding corn fructose is the most difficult part of my regime.
If you research the history of RA and that of corn you will see how RA followed corn as it spread from the Valley of Mexico to North and South America and then, after Columbus, to Europe and Africa.
Scientists have recently discovered that all RA sufferers have an immune system response to a particular type of carbohydrate ( called a GAG) that is most commonly found in corn.
Grains, like corn, are not edible in Nature to any species of Primate so it’s no wonder our immune system sees these as a potential pathogen and mounts an immune system response to them. About 80% of migraine sufferers, for instance, are allergic to wheat.
Ray Audette
Author “NeanderThin”
Hi Leticia,
How are you? I clearly remember your face from FB. So happy you have reached out again. Thank you. How are you feeling?
I would love to meet you one day too. I’ve been to the OC a few times, but not this year. I appreciate all your support.
I try to do something every day to promote my book as I do believe it has made a difference to many people with and without RA.
I used to have my blog linked to FB. I guess I should do that again to increase traffic to my site.
I’ve enjoyed ‘Be KInd to Humankind Week’ as when I think of what I can do for others, I tend to stop thinking about my RA.
Till later, take good care
Hi Ray,
My husband is a big believer about grains causing inflammation too. He has cut out grains from his diet completely and I am trying.
Thanks for the information. Good luck with your book.