Posts tagged obstacles

Information on RA

Dear Rick, Hi. Thanks for contacting me. I just want to say first of all that doctors  still do not know the exact cause of RA. So please do not blame yourself. I am sorry to hear about your daughter Courtney. The pain that both you and Courtney feel is immense and it’s both physical [...]

How Could I Have Forgotten to Blog About…..

…..being on the first cover of 2011 for Arthritis Today. And …. to top off a great couple of months I just received the March / April issue of AT and Phil Mickelson is on the cover. To be followed by Phil is awesome! My brother is a big fan and so am I.

Enemy Within – My Readers’ Fears and Hopes

I have received many emails lately from fans of my book Enemy Within. Some too personal to share, some full of fears and others full of pain. Hope is always the last thing to go, so please hang in there. Our disease maybe incurable, but having hope will help you navigate the lonely times and [...]


Enemy Within by Karen Ager is becoming real. I did one live radio interview today and one which was taped for NPR and is scheduled to air in AL,GA,FL in July. Gotta get this book out there because I know it will empower so many people to ‘just keep going.’!